Our founder, Mr. Pedro Satiro Pereira, started his professional life, in 1962, at the age of 16, with a small clothing business, in Bairro Vila da Pedra, in Camboriú, a municipality where he and his family were born.

In 1967, he came to the center of Camboriú and built a fabric and clothing store called Loja Satiro, there came many customers from the countryside and other cities in the region.

With the growth of the business, in 1974, he opened another store, but now in Balneário Camboriú, on Av. Brasil, Loja Sarty, where, in addition to serving local customers, many Mercosur customers started coming.

Seeing the great movement of tourists, the idea arose to build a hotel at the entrance to the city, called Camboriú Hotel, where it started its activities in 1976, and the administration was left with a brother of Mr. Pedro, who unfortunately died in 2002. The Hotel it continues to be managed by his family.

In 1986, with great difficulty, due to the crossed plan, they acquired a piece of land on the central avenue, and in 1988 the Centromar Hotel was founded by the family.

The initial infrastructure of the hotel was 48 rooms, and had only 8 employees, with its entrance to the central avenue, the operation was only in high season, from October to April, then the hotel closed.

In 2001, a new expansion project was started for the Hotel Centromar, but due to the tourism crisis, at that time, the opening took place only in 2010. The number of apartments was expanded, to a total of 128 housing units. In this expansion, the front of the hotel was changed to 101 Street. Nowadays, customers have a much more comfortable and modern structure.

It's not like you're going to be able to do it.

The Centromar Hotel is still managed by the Pereira family, being run by their children, Satiro Rodrigues Pereira Neto and Camila Maria Pereira Pires.

In homage to Mr. Pedro Satiro, our founder, for all his trajectory of overcoming and success, we name the Hotel's mascot, Pedrinho. It's not like you're going to be able to do it.

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